The Orphic Shop

Curated wellness and happiness.

We believe in a natural world.

Through our evolving selection of the best all natural products from around the globe, we’re bringing a little natural magic into our customers’ lives.

Little Drops of Happiness

Soap Making Kits
Natural soap making kits with all materials included. Create healthy, organic soaps instead of chemical-laden store-bought options.

Clothes Dyeing Kits

Organic clothes dye kit for 60s-inspired designs. Create unique, high-quality pieces in the age of fast fashion. Includes materials, instructions, and creative tips to unleash your inner artist.


Curated selection of mindfulness and relaxation items. Introduce Zen wisdom to your life with our range of products, from mindfulness diaries to scented candles. Bring calming rituals to your personal space.
Soap Making Kits
Complete natural soap making kits, including materials. Instead of using store bought, chemical packed soap, why not try the healthy organic alternative?
Each kit comes with printed instructions, and a guide to personalizing your soap with your own unique scents and textures. We'll also include tips on turning soap making into a side hustle.
Clothes Dyeing Kits
Bring out your inner 60s child with this skin friendly, organic clothes dye kit, including materials. In an era of fast fashion and synthetic colors, why not enjoy old fashioned high quality designs of your very own?
Each kit comes complete with instructions, tips and examples to show you how to get the biggest creative buzz.
A hand picked range of things that make you think and things that make you stop thinking and just be. There has never been a better time to bring the benefits of a bit of Zen wisdom into your life, so why not start now? From mindfulness diaries to scented candles, we're bringing a little ritual to your personal space.

About Us

We created The Orphic Shop to showcase brilliant natural wellness and fashion ideas from innovators in tune with mother earth. We are a small team based in Denver, Colorado. Our obsession is finding what’s real and what’s deep in a shallow world.


We work with boutiques, upscale retail outlets and craft stores. Our wholesale division provides all our great products at bulk prices. Please contact us for further information. We welcome all trade enquiries, large, small and every size in between.

Contact Us

We welcome questions big and small. We reply to all enquiries within 24 hours.